Sankofa Video Books and Cafe, 2714 Georgia Avenue, Washington, D.C., N.W., presents a book signing, September 11, 2014, (from 6:30pm—7:30 pm ), featuring Chapel Hill, North Carolina-based writer/radio announcer, Larry Reni Thomas, who will sign copies and talk about his latest book, The Lady Who Shot Lee Morgan. The book is about former Wilmington, North Carolina resident Helen Morgan, and her life with her late husband, famed trumpet legend Lee Morgan, whom she shot and killed in 1972, at a New York City nightclub called Slug’s.

Thomas, who interviewed Ms. Morgan, in February 1996, a month before her death, will also present an audio documentary called The Helen Morgan Project, which features Helen talking about her experience.

For more information: or (202) 234-4755.